2625 Augustine Drive
Santa Clara, CA 95054
Reach Veritas by phone using the central contact number for your country provided below by region.
Country | Country Code | Phone Number |
Argentina | 54 | 0-800-6660348 |
Bolivia | 591 | 800-10-3646 |
Brazil | 55 | 0800-76-25498 |
Canada (English) | 1 | 8442879412 |
Canada (French) | 1 | 8448855611 |
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Ecuador | 593 | 1800000505 |
Jamaica | 1 876 | 1-8448541769 |
Mexico | 52 | 001-8446581339 |
Peru | 51 | 0800-55847 |
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Uruguay | 598 | 000-413-598-4851 |
Venezuela | 58 | 8001005490 |
Country | Country Code | Phone Number |
Australia | 61 | 1-800-408425 |
China Technical Support and Sales Enquiry | 86 | 400-120-4816 |
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Shanghai, China | 86 | 21 5329 7756 |
China Hong Kong Technical Supportand Sales Inquiry |
852 | 800-960143 |
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Thailand | 66 | 1-800-011-633 |
Country | Country Code | Phone Number |
Austria | 43 | 012 0609 3577 |
Bahrain | 973 | 80006360 |
Belgium | 32 | 080049835 |
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Czech Republic | 420 | 800-144229 |
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Greece | 30 | 00800-12-9802 |
Hungary | 36 | 06-800-21131 |
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Israel | 972 | 1-80-9213780 |
Italy | 39 | 800098374 |
Luxembourg | 352 | 8002-8332 |
Netherlands | 31 | 08009494503 |
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Oman | 968 | 80074129 |
Poland | 48 | 800 080 929 |
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Spain | 34 | 800810197 |
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Switzerland | 41 | 0800200220 |
Turkey | 90 | 00800448828894 |
United Arab Emirates | 971 | 8000-35704426 |
United Kingdom | 44 | 08002799810 |